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Experience Dental Implants in Peoria

September 17, 2013

Implants new smallLosing a tooth can be a devastating blow, both for your oral health and your self-confidence. Many patients find it hard to even leave the house when they have unsightly gaps in their smile, much less interact meaningfully with friends or colleagues for fear of being humiliated. Even worse, it often leads to an increased risk of gum disease and additional tooth loss. While restorative tools such as dentures and bridges have been available for quite some time, their purported bulkiness and unnatural feel leaves many patients feeling unsatisfied. Thankfully, there’s another choice: dental implants. With the help of dental implants, Peoria patients can have their full smiles seamlessly recreated and their enthusiasm resurrected!

The process is simple – first, your local Peoria dentist will place a small, titanium post into the appropriate empty socket. This will serve as your tooth’s new root, keeping your jawbone healthy and full.

Then, once an appropriate amount of time has passed for the new tooth root to fuse with your soft tissue, you’ll return to your local dentist’s office so that they can place a beautiful, customized crown atop the post, completing the process.

While the process differs from practice to practice, your local dentists in Peoria can carry out the entire dental implants procedure in their office, including both the surgery and the creation of your new restoration. You’ll be able to enjoy a revitalized smile again sooner than you think!

Contact your local dentists today to schedule an appointment! Peoria patients are welcome to visit either our Glendale or Phoenix office. We can’t wait to help your teeth become healthier and happier than ever before.

Relieve Pain and Get Back to Smiling with TMJ Treatment

May 24, 2013

tooth painDo any of the symptoms sound familiar?

  • Clicking and popping in the jaw
  • Constant ringing or pressure in the ears
  • Aching teeth
  • Pain in the jaw, neck, shoulders, or back
  • Constantly waking up with sore throat, dry mouth, or a headache
  • Stiffness in the jaw or problems with opening and closing your mouth

If one or more of these problems describe your current oral health situation, then you may be suffering from TMJ dysfunction, a potentially debilitating condition that directly affects your temporomandibular joints (commonly referred to as the TMJ).

Have you ever wondered how your jaw is able to move so fluidly whenever you speak or chew? This is due to the efforts of your two small temporomandibular joints, which are located just in front of your ears. They not only connect your lower jaw to your skull, but also contain important blood vessels and nerves. Unfortunately, if they become even slightly misaligned in some way due to stress or teeth grinding (bruxism), this can cause extreme pain and other negative symptoms. Thankfully, many dentists (including your local practices in Phoenix and Glendale) are well-versed in how to alleviate the symptoms of TMJ dysfunction.

Your local dentist will first perform a thorough examination of your teeth and jaw in order to determine the cause of your discomfort. Once they’ve confirmed your situation, they can provide you with a custom-fitted oral appliance. These appliances help to reposition your bite and eliminate nighttime teeth grinding while still feeling comfortable in your mouth.

Your dentist may also recommend building up the surfaces of your teeth if you’ve suffered extreme wear and tear. This will help restore your proper bite and alleviate pain.

Your local dentists in Phoenix and Glendale can treat your TMJ dysfunction carefully and effectively, helping you regain the higher quality of life you deserve. Our practice also serves patients from Peoria, West Phoenix, and beyond.

Restore Damaged or Decayed Teeth and Smile Brighter with the Help of Crowns

May 15, 2013

crownsEven while practicing good oral hygiene, many of us will still suffer a cracked, worn, or decayed tooth in our lifetime. When this happens, a dental office can bring back both form and function to your smile with the help of a custom-made crown. Your local dentists in Phoenix and Glendale can supply crowns made from an assortment of different materials, including metal and porcelain.

What exactly is a crown?

A crown is a small restoration that your local dentist will create for you using specific measurements; it effectively caps off a damaged tooth, restoring its original structure and function. What’s more, it will protect the tooth from further damage and preserve your jaw’s natural alignment, saving you from the possibility of TMJ dysfunction.

While crowns can be made of either metal, porcelain, or a combination, most dentists will recommend porcelain due to its more natural appearance. Using a precise color-matching system, your new restorative piece can even be shaded to blend in with the exact color of your surrounding tooth, giving you a smile that looks completely seamless. However, metal crowns may be suggested for teeth that bear a lot of pressure in order to ensure that they won’t break or be damaged.

In most cases, your new crown can be created and placed in just two appointments – one in which an impression of the affected tooth will be taken, and another in which your dentist will place the finished product and ensure that it fits properly. After that step, all you need to do is care for it properly by practicing good oral hygiene and attend a routine check-up every six months.

Your local dentists in Glendale and Phoenix are dedicated to doing whatever they can to protect the vitality of your smile, and that includes providing you with beautiful, porcelain crowns. Our practice also serves patients from Peoria, West Phoenix, and beyond.

Partial and Full Dentures: What You Need to Know

March 29, 2013

denture1When you’re missing one or more of your natural teeth, it can be difficult to even get out of bed in the morning, not to mention share your smile with the world around you. You might be embarrassed or afraid of what other people will think if they notice. Even worse, missing teeth can cause a host of further dental health problems if their spaces are left empty for too long. Thankfully, many dentists offer a variety of restorative options designed to fit a patient’s unique needs and wishes. One of those methods, dentures, is a great choice for patients who are seeking an affordable, secure solution to tooth loss.

Dentures have been around for hundreds of years – even George Washington wore a pair! Of course, they’ve also earned a reputation over time for being a poor replacement for teeth. While the dentures of past years may have been one-size-fits all and distinctly uncomfortable, these modern-day appliances are now custom made for patients and guaranteed to feel safe and stable in your mouth. That’s why your local dentists in Phoenix and Glendale are happy to offer them alongside other restorative dentistry techniques.

A full denture consists of a row of teeth that are attached to a gum-colored base. They’re able to stay in place with the help of natural suction; a little dental adhesive can also be used in order to provide a little extra security for the wearer. Full dentures can help patients eat and speak much more easily; plus, they’ll help keep your facial muscles from sagging, which often happens due to prolonged teeth loss.

Partial dentures can be recommended to patients who want to replace missing teeth without sacrificing the natural ones they have left. It will be created to fit your mouth like a puzzle, the piece including only the teeth you need to replace. It stays in place with the help of clips and brackets. Both full dentures and partials are removable, which allows for easy cleaning!

Contact your local dentists in Glendale and Phoenix for more information about dentures, as well as the other various restorative dentistry methods they offer. Their offices are also happy to welcome patients from West Phoenix, Peoria, and beyond.

Revitalize Your Oral Health with the Help of Restorative Dentistry

February 13, 2013

shutterstock_2010341As you’ve surely been told by your local dentist several times, it is crucial to practice preventive (general) dentistry services such as daily brushing, flossing, and regularly attending check-ups if you want to maintain optimal health. But what are you supposed to do if problems occur regardless? Many of us will experience damage to our oral health at some point in our lives, no matter how dedicated our brushing and flossing routines are. Whether it happens because of age, injury, or decay, you need precise and thorough care in order to repair the affected area, as well as prevent more serious complications from cropping up that could cause lasting damage to your smile. This is where restorative dentistry comes in.

As its name suggests, restorative dentistry includes a variety of treatments and procedures designed to treat teeth that have suffered from damage or infection, as well as other areas that affect your overall oral health, such as the gums. Your local dentists in Phoenix and Glendale define restorative dentistry services as:

  • Fillings
  • Crowns
  • Inlays and Onlays
  • Root Canals
  • Crowns and Bridges
  • Dentures and Partials
  • Dental Implants

If multiple services are needed in order to fully restore oral health, your dentist can create an individualized restorative dentistry plan that will fulfill all of your needs. You’ll also be saved valuable time, as this upfront plan allows your dentist to combine complementary treatments into single appointments. This treatment is referred to as a full-mouth reconstruction.

Before undergoing a restorative dentistry service, you’ll first need to schedule an appointment for a thorough evaluation from your local dentist. That way, that can assess your problem areas and determine the depth and severity of any damage. Once they’ve gathered all the needed information, they’ll make a recommendation concerning what restorative dentistry service would most effectively restore functionality to your teeth and gums.

For effective and efficient restorative dentistry care in Phoenix and Glendale, contact our offices. We’ll be sure to return both oral health and happiness to your everyday life. We also serve West Phoenix, Peoria, and surrounding areas.

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