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Keep Your Child’s Smile Shining Brightly with Family Dental Care in Phoenix, AZ

April 7, 2014

Shutterstock Little Girl at DentistYou want all the best for your children, from a quality education to the healthcare they receive from their pediatrician. Your little one’s dental care is just as important, building the foundation for a long and healthy life filled with beautiful, happy smiles. At your local dentist’s office in Phoenix, AZ and Peoria, AZ, your child’s oral health and hygiene are top priorities that deserve only the closest attention and best care.

Children’s Dentistry in Phoenix and Peoria

While you do everything you can to maintain your child’s oral hygiene at home, his or her smile still needs the advanced touch of a dental professional to ensure optimal health. Beginning at the age of about two or three years, your son or daughter should begin visiting the dentist for regular check-ups every six months. During these visits, we’ll inspect every tiny tooth for signs of decay or other damage, as well as the delicate tissues of the gums. We’ll also assess the growth of the jaw to ascertain proper development.

If we do discover any issues, including cavities, our caring experts will discuss with you the methods best suited to correct the problem. To prevent tooth decay before it becomes a serious concern, our dentists may recommend fortifying fluoride treatments and/or sealants. These visits also offer a great opportunity to talk with your child’s dentist about ways you can make home hygiene more engaging and fun. When your child loves taking care of his or her teeth beginning at an early age, you can be sure that their future will see many happy, healthy smiles.

Schedule Your Child’s Dental Appointment Today

Whether your little one is due for a check-up or you have questions about his or her oral health, we are here to help. Contact your local dentists in Phoenix, AZ and Peoria, AZ today to reserve your appointment. We look forward to serving you and your family!

Find Real Relief from Bruxism with Your Trusted Phoenix and Peoria Dentists

March 26, 2014

Shutterstock Bruxism Mouth GuardDo you or someone in your family suffer from nighttime teeth grinding? This common behavior, known as bruxism, can be incredibly detrimental to your oral and overall health if not properly treated. With help from your trusted family dental office in Peoria and Phoenix, you can finally escape the daily grind of bruxism and enjoy life to the fullest once again.

How Can Bruxism Affect Me?

Most people who suffer from bruxism are entirely unaware that they are affected, in large part due to the fact that the clenching of the jaw and grinding of the teeth occur while the patient is asleep. This unconscious gritting and grinding can lead to serious problems with the joints that control the jaw. TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is often associated with bruxism and can cause severe pain, stiffness, and other undesirable side effects.

When the teeth continuously grind against one another at night, the enamel becomes worn over time. The teeth begin to appear shorter and their top surfaces become flat. In extreme cases, teeth can actually fracture under the immense pressure of the jaw. Patients often wake up with a headache, toothaches, a sore jaw, and even pain that extends down into the neck.

Fortunately, there are simple solutions to the pain and damage bruxism can cause. A custom-fitted nightguard or mouthguard can help protect your teeth from the constant grinding motion. Your local Peoria and Phoenix dentists will provide you with a comfortable oral appliance that you only wear at night, preventing further damage while you sleep.

Get the Bruxism Relief You Deserve

If you suspect that you are affected by nighttime teeth grinding, or bruxism, contact us at our Peoria or Phoenix locations today. Our dentists look forward to helping you achieve real, lasting relief and protecting your teeth from the effects of this common problem. We also happily serve families from the surrounding areas of Scottsdale, North Mountain Village, North Gateway Village, and more.

Avoid Future Health Problems with Periodontal Disease Treatment Today

January 20, 2014

Shutterstock Health Body PerioIf you’ve noticed that your gums are sensitive, bleed when you brush, or seem to be pulling away from your teeth, you may be affected by periodontal disease. Don’t worry, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, current statistics show that approximately 80 percent of our country’s population has some form of gum disease, though the majority are unaware of it. Treating periodontal disease now can actually help protect against a number of other, potentially more serious, health problems in the future.

The Importance of Periodontal Health

Though best known as the number one cause of adult tooth loss in America, gum disease also contributes to a number of other serious health complications. Some of the other medical problems associated with untreated periodontal disease include:

  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Increased risk of stroke and heart attack
  • Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs)
  • General hypertension
  • Preterm birth and low birth weight infants in women with periodontal disease
  • Coronary artery disease

Problems like these are the result of an infection that begins in the oral cavity and spreads to the rest of the body via the blood stream. If detected early and treated properly, though, gum disease can be completely eradicated, returning the patient’s oral health to normal and reducing the risk for these types of problems.

Restoring Oral and Overall Health

Finding the right kind of periodontal therapy for your unique case doesn’t have to be a challenge. Contact your local dentists in Phoenix and Glendale for more information about how gum disease treatment can help you maintain your overall health today. Our office also welcomes patients from West Phoenix, Peoria and the surrounding areas.

Children’s Dentistry Will Help Your Little Ones Learn to Love the Dentist’s Office

February 27, 2013

kid flossing With big chairs, metal tools, and several loud noises, the dentist’s office can often be a scary place for a child. Developing this fear early on, though, can be damaging – after all, establishing good oral hygiene habits at a young age is a crucial development, and one that could affect the look and health of their teeth for the rest of their lives. That’s why many dentists practice children’s dentistry, a specialized area of family dentistry that focuses solely on your little ones.

While exact ages may vary, your local dentists in Phoenix and Glendale strongly recommend that children come in for their first appointment when they’re three years old. This children’s dentistry appointment usually involves a thorough inspection of all the teeth they currently have, paying special attention to their natural development, as well as their periodontal health. (Of course, if you notice developmental problems with your child’s teeth or if they suffer an injury in that area before they’ve reached three years of age, you should bring them in regardless.)

Many dentists also suggest that parents bring young children along with them to the dentist before their first appointment. This way, they can become familiar with the sights, sounds, tools, and the assistants that are involved with children’s dentistry and that they’ll be interacting with. Children are often rattled and upset by being put into situations that are new and unfamiliar; by introducing them to all the aspects of the dentist’s office beforehand, they can feel at ease.

As your child grows older, your dentist will also be sure to teach them how to effectively care for their teeth through brushing, flossing, and other methods. Children’s dentistry services also include dental sealants, thin, clear coatings that protect back teeth from damaging sugars, as well as fluoride supplements, which help strengthen tooth enamel.

Your local dentists in Phoenix and Glendale can provide your child with the caring and compassionate care they need in order to develop a great relationship with oral hygiene, thanks to children’s dentistry services. We also serve the areas of West Phoenix, Glendale, and beyond.

General Dentistry: What You Should Know

January 8, 2013

pt ed background - six pixWhen navigating all the different treatments and procedures available in the world of dental health, it can be easy to confuse services and become unsure of what help you need. Cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry are pretty self-explanatory categories, but what about general dentistry? It’s important for patients to understand all the services that fall under general dentistry, as well as the crucial role they play in your overall dental health.

While there isn’t an exact list of general dentistry services that is universal among dentists, your dentists in Phoenix and Peoria define them as:

  • Children’s Dentistry
  • TMJ Therapy
  • Nightguards for Bruxism
  • Snoring and Sleep Apnea Therapy
  • Gum Disease Treatment
  • Extractions and Oral Surgery

General dentistry deals mainly with the day-to-day care of your teeth and gums. In addition, as you can see from the list, preventive measures are an important factor. Your general dentist will make sure you’re protected from several conditions that can have negative effects on your oral health, such as TMJ, bruxism, sneep apnea, and gum disease.

In addition to these services, one of the most important general dentistry services a dentist can provide is a regular check-up, which should ideally be scheduled twice a year. During a checkup, your dentist can see the results of your brushing and flossing habits and give advice for future care. In addition, they can look for common problems, such as cavities or signs of gum disease. A check-up is also the time when your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned.

By going to a general dentist, you’re proving that you’re committed to keeping your mouth healthy and happy. A general dentist can prescribe preventive treatments, closely monitor you for potential problems, and if a more specific or difficult treatment is needed, can refer you to a dentist who specializes in that care.

Our offices in Peoria and West Phoenix can provide you with quality general dental care, as well as serve as your link to the rest of the dental health care world. We also serve the rest of Phoenix, Glendale, and surrounding areas.

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