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Gum Disease Treatment from Smile Fitness Dental Center in Phoenix, AZ

December 28, 2014

164144314Take care of your gums and your gums will take care of you. That may sound cliché, but it’s true nevertheless. Your mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body, and your gums are a critical part of that gateway. Unfortunately, gum disease is one of the most prevalent health conditions. If left untreated, it can contribute to other health problems, too, when bacteria in the mouth migrates to other parts of the body. The dentists and their team at Smile Fitness Dental Center in Phoenix, AZ, and Peoria are dedicated to first preventing gum disease, and then treating appropriately with gum disease treatment when necessary.

First stage gum disease is called gingivitis. This may be marked by tender gums that bleed during brushing. On the other hand, gingivitis may not present any symptoms, making regular checkups at Smile Fitness Dental Center all the more important. If we should find signs of gingivitis during one of your regular visits, then the condition may be reversible with proper brushing and flossing, as well as professional cleaning by one of our dental hygienists.

Periodontitis: Advanced Gum Disease

However, if gum disease progresses to periodontitis (the more advanced stage of gum disease) then more aggressive treatment may be required. With periodontitis, the gum and bone begin to pull away from the teeth leaving small spaces where debris and bacteria can collect and cause infection. If allowed to progress, then the infection may lead to tooth loss. In this case, we may need to perform root scaling and planing to scrape away the plaque that traps bacteria; gum pocket irrigation; or local antibiotic placement in the areas that are most irritated. With these treatments from Smile Fitness Dental Center, patients often experience quick improvement and manage to avoid surgery.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you haven’t seen the dentist in a while, then now is the time to call Smile Fitness Dental Center in Phoenix, AZ, or Peoria, AZ. You shouldn’t neglect your gums, and with proper gum disease treatment, we can help you maintain healthy gums. Our offices also serve patients in Sun City, Paradise Valley, Glendale, Scottsdale and Tempe.

Get Some Zzzzz’s with Sleep Apnea Therapy in Phoenix and Peoria

December 14, 2014

474189791No one needs to tell you how important a restful night’s sleep is to your general health, your mental health and your ability to function well during the day. Everyone has a sleepless night now and then, but if you find yourself feeling tired day after day, then the problem may be more than occasional insomnia. Sleep apnea is a chronic condition that often goes undiagnosed. However, when diagnosed, there are treatment options available. With sleep apnea therapy from Smile Fitness Dental Center in Phoenix, AZ, and Peoria, AZ, you’ll be able to sleep peacefully and enjoy new energy during the day.

Sleep Apnea Therapy to the Rescue

First of all, sleep apnea is a condition that causes a person to temporarily stop breathing during the night. Consequently, the body and the brain may not receive an adequate amount of oxygen during sleep. When this happens, the brain awakens in order to signal the body to begin breathing again. This can repeat throughout the night.

The most common form of the condition is obstructive sleep apnea. In this case, the airway becomes blocked, usually by soft tissue at the back of the throat that relaxes during sleep. This is what causes that snoring sound your bed partner may complain about. Left untreated, sleep apnea may lead to high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, depression, headaches and diabetes. Sleep apnea has also been linked to reduced productivity at work and automobile accidents.

At Smile Fitness Dental Center, we will conduct tests to determine if you have obstructive sleep apnea and if non-surgical treatments will help. If yes, then we will prescribe one of two treatments. A CPAP machine provides continuous air flow through a face mask, so your airway remains open. The other option, which is often more comfortable, is a custom designed dental appliance that repositions your tongue and jawbone to keep your airway open.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you suspect that you or your bed partner has sleep apnea, call the office of Smile Fitness Dental Center today. Our offices in Phoenix, AZ, and Peoria, AZ, conveniently serve patients in Sun City, Paradise Valley, Glendale, Scottsdale and Tempe.

Jaw Pain? Headaches? See Your Dentist about TMJ Therapy

November 28, 2014

167121308Do you wake up in the morning with a headache? Do you sometimes hear a clicking or popping sound when you yawn? These are only a couple of the signs of TMJ disorder. TMJ disorder can be a painful and annoying condition. However, the dentists at Smile Fitness Dental Center have been treating patients in Phoenix, AZ, and Peoria, AZ, with TMJ therapy for years, and they can help you, too.

TMJ disorder, or dysfunction, is a condition that results when the temporomandibular joint is not working properly. This joint is located on either side of your head just in front of your ears and is called into play whenever you talk, chew, yawn or laugh. TMJ has a number of causes including traumatic injury to the face or head, an improper bite, wear and tear on the teeth as a result of aging, or teeth grinding and clenching. In fact, the symptoms of TMJ are largely due to overuse of the jaw muscles, making nighttime teeth grinding and clenching (or bruxism) a primary culprit.

TMJ Therapy: Diagnosis and Treatment

Everyone may occasionally experience some of the symptoms of TMJ disorder. For example, your jaw may temporarily feel sore after chewing sticky candy. However, if the pain is persistent and lasts for a few weeks, then you’ll want to see one of the dentists at Smile Fitness Dental Center. Some other symptoms include: swelling on the side of your face, sensitive teeth, an earache without infection, upper and lower teeth that do not align, or a feeling that your jaw is locked when you try to chew or talk.

If you are consistently experiencing any of these symptoms, then you should schedule an appointment at Smile Fitness Dental Center. Our dentists will be able to determine whether or not you may benefit from TMJ therapy. If so, they will likely prescribe an oral appliance called a nightguard that will reposition the bite and prevent nighttime grinding and clenching. Another option is to build up the surface of your teeth in order to reconstruct proper bite alignment.

Call Our Office Today

To determine whether or not you need TMJ therapy, schedule an appointment with Smile Fitness Dental Center in Phoenix, AZ, or Peoria, AZ. We also conveniently serve patients in Sun City, Paradise Valley, Glendale, Scottsdale and Tempe.

Maintain Your Smile with a Crown and Bridge from Smile Fitness Dental Centers

October 28, 2014

180413013Whether you are missing one tooth or several, the consequences are more than cosmetic. As if feeling self-conscious when you smile or talk isn’t bad enough, there is also the risk of your remaining teeth becoming misaligned. This can lead to a bad bite, gum disease or even temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ. The way to avoid all of this is to fill the void, and one viable option is a crown and bridge from Smile Fitness Dental Centers in Phoenix, AZ, and Peoria, AZ. With a crown and bridge, your smile is complete and other oral health hazards are averted.

Crown and Bridge to the Rescue

A crown, otherwise known as a cap, is usually made of dental porcelain and made to cover a tooth that is badly damaged by decay or injury. In the case of a crown and bridge, the crown is placed on the teeth that abut the space of the missing tooth. These abutments then act as anchors to firmly hold the bridge in place. The bridge, in turn, spans the space of the missing tooth and holds the replacement tooth, or pontic, in proper position.

As the first step in fabricating your custom-fitted crown and bridge, the dentist at Smile Fitness Dental Center will slightly diminish the size of the teeth on either side of the open space, so they can accommodate crowns. Then, an impression is made in order to create a precise mold from which the crown and bridge are made in a professional dental lab. You’ll wear a temporary replacement while your crown and bridge are manufactured. When this is ready, the temporary is removed and the permanent crown and bridge are secured in place with dental cement. With good oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing and regular dental check-ups, your crown and bridge can last for decades.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you’re ready to fill the void of a missing tooth or teeth, call either the Phoenix, AZ, or Peoria, AZ, office of Smile Fitness Dental Centers to learn more about a crown and bridge. We’ll gladly answer your questions and schedule a consultation. Our offices also conveniently serve patients in Tempe, Glendale, Scottsdale, Paradise Valley and Sun City.

Dental Anesthesia: You Can Relax in the Dentist’s Chair

October 14, 2014

76132811Does the thought of going to the dentist send chills down your spine? Have you, in fact, not seen a dentist in who knows how long because of that fear? Well then, dental anesthesia is made for people like you. With dental anesthesia, also known as sedation dentistry, the dentists at Smile Fitness Dental Centers in Phoenix, AZ and Peoria, AZ, can have you relaxed for most any dental procedure you require.

Dental anesthesia keeps your body calm and your mind at ease while dental work is safely performed. Usually during dental anesthesia, you are not unconscious or asleep. In fact, the dentist will be able to talk to you, checking to make sure you’re okay or asking you questions. Throughout your appointment, the dentist and staff will monitor your condition under anesthesia.

The Types of Dental Anesthesia

At Smile Fitness Dental Centers, there are two options for dental anesthesia. The first is nitrous oxide, otherwise known as laughing gas. With this, a small mask is placed over your nose. As you inhale the measured mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, you will quickly feel your body relax. The dentist will control the amount of sedation you receive, and the affects wear off in a matter of minutes once the mask is removed.

Alternatively, or sometimes in conjunction with nitrous oxide, the dentist can prescribe an anti-anxiety medication that you take prior to your appointment. This medication will make you drowsy, but you’re not likely to fall asleep. In this case, you will need someone to drive you to your appointment and back home at the end of your treatment.

All of us at Smile Fitness Dental Centers want your visit to either of our offices to be as comfortable as possible. With dental anesthesia we offer comfort, compassion and as always the best in dental care.

Call Our Office Today

If you haven’t been to the dentist in a long time, then call the Phoenix, AZ, or Peoria, AZ, office of Smile Fitness Dental Centers today and ask about dental anesthesia. We also conveniently serve patients in Paradise Valley, Sun City, Tempe, Glendale and Scottsdale.

Pediatric Dentistry: Thumbsucking Dental Concerns

September 29, 2014

174994145Thumbsucking is a natural reflex in children. Some babies even discover thumbsucking in the womb. Thumbsucking can make them feel secure and soothe them as they to fall asleep. Older children may continue to suck their thumbs or fingers because of exhaustion, boredom or to relieve stress and anxiety. After a child’s permanent teeth erupt, thumbsucking can cause problems with the alignment crowding, crookedness and bite problems. However, the intensity and duration of the thumbsucking determines the potential for damage. To prevent permanent damage, thumbsucking should be addressed by the time that permanent teeth arrive, which is around age six. Make an appointment for your child to see the family dentists at Smile Fitness Dental Center. Smile Fitness Dental Center serves patients of all ages throughout Glendale, AZ, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Sun City, Peoria and Paradise Valley.

Addressing Thumbsucking in Children

The damage of thumbsucking could include abnormal alignment of teeth, known as a malocclusion, as well as damage to the structure of the roof of the mouth. If they passively rest their thumb in the mouth, it doesn’t do as much damage as aggressively sucking the thumb. To get your child to stop sucking their thumb you can try the following:

  • Give child praise for not sucking their thumb
  • Focus on relieving anxiety and providing comfort
  • For an older child, involve them in choosing the method for stopping
  • Try putting a bandage on the thumb or a sock over that hand to break the habit
  • Use positive reinforcement to reward children for not sucking their thumbs as opposed to negative comments when they do engage in the behavior, which may only increase the stress and sucking
  • It can take about 30 to 60 days for children to let go of the urge to suck their thumbs
  • Involve your dentist

Pediatric Dentistry and Thumbsucking Help in Glendale, AZ

It’s important to start bringing your child to the dentist when their baby teeth arrive around age one. The dentists can help you address any dental concerns you may have for your children including thumbsucking, cavities and dental hygiene. Make an appointment to visit Smile Fitness Dental for your child’s pediatric dental needs. Smile Fitness Dental Center serves families throughout Glendale, AZ, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Sun City, Peoria and Paradise Valley.

Implant Supported Dentures: A Preferred Restorative Method for Replacing Missing Teeth

June 20, 2014

Shutterstock Senior Couple Hug SmileDentures have been a trusted solution to missing teeth for many, many years, allowing men and women to eat a healthful diet, speak clearly, and smile with friends and family comfortably. Today, modern dental technology makes it possible to secure dentures with more stability, promoting a more natural feel and appearance than ever before. At Smile Fitness Dental Centers in Glendale, AZ and Phoenix, AZ, our doctors offer a variety of restorative dentistry procedures, including dental implant supported dentures.

Benefits of Implant Retained Dentures

Traditional dentures can slip and move around in your mouth when you are speaking, often resulting in embarrassing social situations and discomfort. Some patients experience a clicking sound as their dentures wobble and slip. Fortunately, dentures can now be secured with dental implants, allowing denture wearers to feel more comfortable and confident in their smile and bite.

Dental implants are small titanium posts that are surgically implanted into the jaw bone and gum tissue. These implants serve as replacements for the roots of your natural teeth. When the implants have fused with the bone of your jaw and the gum tissue has healed, a set of customized dental prosthetics – such as a full set or one arch of dentures – can be attached. There is no longer any need for natural suction or denture adhesives because your prosthetic is firmly secured to your gums by the implants.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Contact our office today to schedule your consultation with our doctors and staff to see if you are a potential candidate for dental implants. We look forward to helping you achieve the radiant, healthy, and comfortable smile you’ve always wanted with implant retained dentures and other restorative dentistry procedures. Our two offices in Glendale and Phoenix, AZ happily welcome patients from around the nearby communities, including Scottsdale, Peoria, West Phoenix, and more.

Athletic Mouthguards to Keep Little Smiles Safe this Summer

June 5, 2014

Shutterstock Mouth Guard Athletic BaseballSummer is finally here and the kids are out of school, ready to head out onto the court or playing field for some fun in the sun with friends and family. Oral injuries sustained while playing sports can be incredibly serious, but they don’t have to be if you’re protected with an athletic mouthguard from Smile Fitness in Glendale, AZ and Phoenix, AZ. Our experienced team of doctors can help you protect your kids’ smiles all summer long (and all year round) with customized athletic mouthguards.

The Importance of Wearing a Mouthguard

Whether your kids are into baseball, basketball, soccer, football, martial arts, or another recreational activity, you want them to be safe as they have fun. Oral injuries that may occur while participating in sports activities include chipped or fractured teeth, dislodged teeth, lacerations to the tongue, cuts in the gum tissue, and dislocated jaws. Fortunately, wearing an athletic mouthguard while playing sports can drastically reduce the likelihood that your child will experience these problems, putting your mind at ease when they go out to play.

Unlike the mouthguards you can buy at the store, the oral appliances provided by your dentist are customized to fit the unique contours of the patient’s mouth. This offers enhanced protection for the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth, as well as improved comfort.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

At Smile Fitness, the health and beauty of your smile is our top priority. Contact us at our two conveniently located offices in Glendale and Phoenix to schedule your consultation with our expert team of doctors and caring staff. We look forward to helping you keep your son or daughter’s smile safe this summer with the help of personalized, comfortable athletic mouthguards. Our practice proudly serves patients from throughout the surrounding areas as well, including Peoria, Scottsdale, Mesa, Chandler, and beyond.

What You Need to Know About Impacted Wisdom Teeth

May 15, 2014

shutterstock_149966333Wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, are teeth that typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 25 in patients who develop them at all. For some people, wisdom teeth fail to erupt properly, becoming impacted within the gum and jaw bone. In cases in which impaction causes discomfort, pain, infection, or problems that affect other teeth, extraction may be deemed necessary. Your local Phoenix and Glendale dentists offer comprehensive general dentistry services, including wisdom tooth extraction for patients suffering from impaction.

Removing Impacted Wisdom Teeth

When a wisdom tooth grows at an odd angle relative to the jaw, the back of the mouth, or the second molar, it can become impacted and cause improper alignment of other teeth throughout the mouth. An infection can result, particularly in cases in which the tooth erupts partially through the tissue of the gum. Removing impacted wisdom teeth can help to prevent complications in the future, including gum disease, abscesses, and infections of the bone tissue that comprises the jaw.

For some people, wisdom tooth extraction is not necessary. The teeth either don’t develop or they grow in perfectly normally with no ill effect on other teeth. Your general dentist in Glendale and Phoenix can explain to you the particular details of your unique case following a consultation, an exam, and x-rays.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If you suspect that you are suffering from impacted wisdom teeth or if you simply have questions regarding oral surgery in general, contact us at our Peoria and Phoenix and talk to our experienced, highly trained doctors today. We also proudly serve patients in nearby communities in Scottsdale, North Gateway Village, North Mountain Village, Glendale, and beyond. We look forward to becoming your partners in your journey toward lifelong oral health.

Understanding and Treating Sleep Apnea and Snoring in Phoenix and Peoria

April 23, 2014

Shutterstock Sleep Apnea SnoringDo you or your partner have trouble sleeping because one of you struggles with excessive snoring? Loud snoring isn’t only a common nuisance that can disrupt your sleep; it may be an indication of an underlying problem that warrants medical attention. Sleep apnea, for example, is a health condition that can lead to a variety of seemingly unrelated problems, including persistent daytime fatigue. At your local family dentist’s office in Phoenix or Peoria, you can get the information and help you need to effectively manage snoring and sleep apnea.

The Importance of Sleep Apnea Treatment

When a person suffers from sleep apnea, their breathing is interrupted numerous times throughout the night while they sleep. This leads to low blood oxygen levels, a problem that has been linked to several health concerns. The list of potential complications associated with untreated or poorly managed sleep apnea includes:

  • High blood pressure
  • Behavioral problems in children and teens
  • Chronic fatigue during the day
  • Increased risk of atrial fibrillation
  • Higher risk of congestive heart failure
  • Heart disease
  • Liver problems
  • Complications following surgery

Fortunately, sleep apnea can typically be treated relatively easily with help from your caring, experienced Peoria and Phoenix dentists. A customized oral appliance, often called a snore guard, can reposition your lower jaw in a way that allows for unobstructed airflow while you sleep. Many studies have shown that this comfortable, non-invasive sleep apnea treatment method is more effective than surgery. Your dentist will assess your individual case and recommend the therapy or treatment that best suits your condition and your lifestyle.

Sleep Apnea Therapy in Phoenix, AZ

If you suspect that you or someone in your family is suffering from sleep apnea, contact your local Phoenix, AZ and Peoria, AZ dentists to find out more about your treatment options. We also happily welcome families from throughout the surrounding areas of North Mountain Village, Scottsdale, North Gateway Village, and beyond.

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